
Crab motif is quite commonly found on ceramics during the Ming period.  There are some with drawing of a crab, 2 crabs with reeds, crab with scholar.  It would seem strange why the painter put a scholar with a crab.  This is another instance of the application of  homophone.   The shell of the crab is termed Jia (¼×£©

During the Ming/qing period, the examination system consisted of test at provincial, national and court level.  The court level is an examination supposedly invigilated by the emperor.  Those taking the examination at this level will be awarded grade 1 or grade 2.  The grade in chinese is termed jia (¼×).  Hence, the meaning of the design of the scholar with a crab is now clear.  It is wishing someone success in imperial examination, reaching all the way to the court level and be awarded either grade 1 or 2. 

Sometime the design consisted of 2 crabs and reeds.  Again it involves homophone. Reeds in chinese is pronounced as lu («£©.  After the court examination, the process of announcing the results is termed chuan lu (´«ëÍ) or announcing grade 1 and 2 (¶þ¼×´«ëÍ£©.  Hence, the design again means imperial examination success at the court level.













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