
The deer is believed to live a long life and since ancient time has been a symbol of longevity.  It is said to be the only animal which is able to find the sacred lingzhi, a fungus which is reputed to grant immortality.  In some motif, you would find the deer holding a lingzhi fungus in its mouth or standing near a lingzhi fungus.  

The horn of the deer, especially the internal part (¹È×), is widely believed by the Chinese to be a powerful tonic.

Frequently used together with crane as part of a design to convey message of longevity and eternal spring. Also commonly seen as a companion of deity such as god of longevity and the fairy magu.  For more on the deer and crane design, please refer to: crane motif.

It is also used as a homophone for lu (»£©ie preferment and official emolument.  The design usually also has the bee and monkey.  The chinese pronunciation for bee  sounds like feng (·â£©meaning to confer; and monkey sounds like hou (ºî£©ie marquis.  Used together it conveys the meaning of 'confer the title of marquis' (·âºî).  Hence, the auspicious design means promotion and more wealth.













