

The horse is one of the 12 zodiac animals in the Chinese Lunar calender.  It was among one of the earliest animals to be domesticated in China.  

According to ancient legend, a dragon-horse brought the He- Tu (ºÓͼ£© and a sacred turtle the Luo-Shu¡¡£¨ÂåÊé to the ancient saint Fuxi. The He-Tu and Luo-Shu were graphs which revealed the metaphysical rules and principles of the universe in motion.¡¡The saint Fu Xi drew the Eight Trigrams based on the He-Tu.  Wen Wang wrote the I-Ching from the Eight Trigrams.  

A horse with tied scrolls on its back is a depiction of the dragon-horse carrying the He Tu to Fu Xi.

King Mu Wang of the Zhou Dynasty is said to have traveled through his empire on a carriage driven by 8 horses. There were given fanciful name which reflected their swiftness.


Since the Han Dynasty, terracotta horses have been produced to accompany the death.  The potters of Tang Dynasty produced many master pieces of tri-colour horses. 



























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